When one is healthy, he dreams for so many different things,

feels the rythm of life, he fights, loves, sports, has fun ...

And when one is sick, the only wish he has is to be healthy!


Why does it happens, that we only appreciate health, when we are sick?

How to choose a BAFS?

  • The most simplest way - give credence to brilliant scientists, creators of this unique production and  select all classical complex.

This is an individual program suited to each person in the world regardless of geographical location, race, sex, age. 

  • Use as few BAFS simultaneously best - not less than 4 and feel tangible results. The products complement each other and intensify the effect. Given that this is a food cell and the cells in the human body are about 3 000 000 000 000, try to imagine how much dust would have fallen to a cell, if you use only one product with 60 capsules, one morning, one evening.
  •  In a period of sickness BAFS VISION give additional body forces, helping to better absorption of drugs and reduce side effects of taking drugs.
  •  You can use the Methodical recommendations  to make your selection


Biologically active dietary supplements do not appear drugs. Any recommendations the site can not replace the procedures appointed by the doctor!



The output of our company should be used as additional auxiliary tool to conventional therapy of various diseases, allowing faster to achieve a positive effect and reduce dosage of essential medicines and some illnesses and to achieve complete cancellation
Production is essential as a means of prevention for people living in adverse environmental areas.
Situations in which we recommend you contact your consultant for additional assistance in selecting the BAFS VISION:

  •  Pregnancy and lactation
  •  Presence of transplants in the body (valves, pins, transplanted organs, etc.)
  •  Presence of kidney stones
  •  Fluctuations in blood pressure (hypertension or hypotension)
  •  Chronic liver and kidney disease
  •  Available on mental illnesses or permanent taking psychotron preparations
  •  Ulcerative problems in a period of exacerbation

However, if you can not do it alone, contact us please, and we will help you with your order.




Vision BAFS Navigator


Kind of effect

Vision BAFS set / Klasik hit

Vision BAFS set / Direct hit

Nervous system  Antiox+    Pax+/
Pax+forte    Lifepac Senior  

Hiper    Mistik    

Passilat    Revien

Respiratory system

 Antiox+    Detox+  


Mistik    Nortia    

Beesk    Ursul

Cardiovascular system   Nutrimax+    Pax+/
Pax+forte    Sveltform+ 

 LCBalance    Vinex    

Granatin Q10    Hiper

Hematopoietic system Nutrimax    Pax+/
Pax+forte    Lifepac Senior

 Beesk    Beauty  

 Revien    Granatin Q10

Immune system

 Antiox+    Detox+    


Mega    Beesk    

Safe-to-see    Aktivy

Digestive system

 Antiox+    Nutrimax+    


Cupers Neo    Beesk  

 Mega    Nature Tan

Endocrine system / Metabolism

Detox+    Sveltform+  


 Nortia    LCBalance    

KG-Off Suppressant  

 KG-Off Fat Absorber

Urogenital system  Detox+    Nutrimax+  

Ursul    Artemida+  

 Medisoya    Artum

Musculoskeletal system

Detox+    Nutrimax+  


 Ursul    Brain-o-flex  

 Mega    Medisoya

Anti-age  Antiox+    Lifepac Senior    Chromevital+   Granatin Q10    Beauty    LCBalance    Cheviton
Body Purification

 Antiox+    Detox+  


Cupers Neo    Granatin Q10    LCBalance    Nature Tan
Weight correction  Detox+    Sveltform+    Chromevital+ 

 KG-Off Suppressant  

 KG-Off Fat Absorber  

 Lamin Vision    Nature Tan

Beauty and appearance

Antiox+    Sveltform+  

 Lifepac Senior

 Beauty    Granatin Q10  

 Nature Tan    Cheviton

Eyesight Antiox+    Pax+/
Pax+forte    Lifepac Senior 
Safe-to-see    Vinex    Nature Tan    Brain-o-flex
Intellectual functioning   Antiox+    Lifepac Senior    Chromevital+ 

 Brain-o-flex    Safe-to-see  

 Mega     Aktivy

Physical activity Antiox+    Detox+    Chromevital+  

Beesk    Mega  

 Aktivy    Cheviton

Male health Antiox+    Lifepac Senior    Chromevital+  

Artum    Lamin Vision    

Stalon Neo    Ursul

Female health

Antiox+    Nutrimax+  

 Lifepac Senior  

Artemida    Beauty  

 Medisoya    Nortia

Child health  Lifepac Junior Be Big  
Be healthy   
Be Wise   
Be Smart 
Be Strong  
Be Chocolate