LT-EKO-001 EU Agriculture Mark is the uniform mark of the European Union applied to the packaging of organic food products grown without any chemical fertilizers.

No Needless Anxieties


Passilat food supplement ingredients:

  • Alleviates nervous tension, anxiety, nervous over-excitement and discomfort
  • Relieves excitability and restores blood flow to heart muscle, that is usually disturbed in case of stress
  • Reduces the risk of nervous and cardiovascular diseases
  • Normalizes heart rhythm and improves coronary circulation
  • Alleviates heart pains caused by nervous strains
  • Facilitates synthesis of serotonin, hormone of happiness
  • Promotes better stress resistance
  • Prevents nervous breakdowns
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Help to prevent allergies and skin diseases

Eases nerves,

helps heart


Target audience to take Passilat:
  • Those with weak nervous and cardiovascular system, suffering from vegetovascular dystonia
  • Those who suffer from chronic functional disorders, neurosis and heart pains
  • Those, prone to stresses and extensive emotional loads
  • Those, often in bad spirits
  • Those who frequently experience anxiety and discomfort


  • Reduces effects of stress, has a mild and effective soothing action
  • Relieve anxieties and alleviate nervous over-excitement
  • Reduces the risk of nervous and cardio-vascular diseases
  • Eliminates nervous excitement and insomnia, a beneficial effect on the ratio of the phases of sleep
  • Prevents nervous breakdowns
  • Relieves excitability and restores blood flow to heart muscle, that is usually disturbed in case of stress
  • Improves sleep quality. Normalizes sleep
  • It improves mood
  • Facilitates synthesis of serotonin, hormone of happiness
  • It is used as a sedative, in neurasthenia, vegetative dystonia, anxiety, excitation, and neurological disorders. Alleviates nervous tension and discomfort
  • Has antiarrhythmic and antineurotic action
  • Strengthens the heart muscle and reduces its excitability
  • Normalizes heart rhythm and improves coronary circulation
  • Alleviates heart pains caused by nervous strains
  • Increases resistance to stress
  • Regulates metabolism
  • It is used in disorders associated with nervous tension, difficulties in falling asleep and pain of nervous origin in the gastrointestinal tract, prevents nervous breakdowns
  • Help to prevent allergies and skin diseases
  • Used as an anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic and analgesic action
  • Helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and inhibits the formation of atherosclerotic plaques
  • Apply with sleep disorders, headache, premenstrual and menopausal syndromes, epilepsy, migraine, asthma, neurodermatitis, in the treatment of coronary heart disease and hypertension

Recommended as a biologically active food supplement, an additional source of vitamins В1, В6, В12, and a source of flavonoids.


Ingredients per 1 capsule Passilat
Passionflower 200 mg
Hawthorn 50 mg
Valeriana officinalis 50 mg
Vitamin B1 0.4 mg
Vitamin B6 0.4 mg
Vitamin B12 0.4 µg



Passion flower helps to counteract sleep disorders, overcome nervous hyperexcitability and headaches. It is used as part of complex therapy for coronary heart disease and hypertension.

Hawthorn is widely used against functional cardio-vascular and nervous system disor-ders as a cardio-tonic and sedative remedy. It normalizes the heart rhythm, and provides for re-duction of blood cholesterol.

Valeriana officinalis produces a sedative, tranquilizing, anti-spasmodic, and anticonvul-sive effect. It has a positive regulatory influence on the functioning of the heart, enhances coronary circulation and ensures reduction of arterial blood pressure. It improves sleep quality.

Vitamin B1 is required for the normal development and growth of  various organs, helps to maintain proper functioning of cardio and nervous systems.

Vitamin B6 is essential for the normal performance of the cen-tral and peripheral nervous systems. It participates in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, improves assimilation of the polyunsaturated fatty acids, reduces blood cholesterol and lipids, and enhances myo-cardial contractility.

Vitamin B12 boosts metabolism, possesses high biological activity. It is essential for normal blood formation, as it facilitates eryth-rocyte maturation. It also reduces blood cholesterol and produces a beneficial effect on the functions of the central nervous system, and enhances angenesis.

When Nerves Betray

  • The statement that “all diseases are caused by nerves” is more than fair, because according to statistics, half of various disorders are caused particularly by mental discomfort and strong emotional stress.
  • Stress affects not only our well-being, but relationships with the closest people as well. For example, chronic stress often becomes the reason for quarrels between spouses and problems in sexual life.
  • Everyone is under high risk.
    • Stress among young people can be caused by overly active, exhausting lifestyle, sleep deprivation, extensive loads at school, wrong diet or bad habits.
    • Middle-aged people often complain of problems at work or in the family, whereas the major trouble for those who live in mega-polis is  an  extremely fast pace of  life and bad ecology.
    • People over 45 often suffer from mental changes caused by the ageing process: decrease of psycho-logical flexibility, lower physical activity and overall tonus, bad memory and attention deficit.

Passilat food supplement is  recommended to reduce the risk of nervous and cardio-vascular diseases, increase body resistance to stress. It regulates the immunity and prevents negative impact of stress.

The effectiveness of Passilat food supplement has been clinically proved.