Ingredients Each capsule Chromevital contains:

  • Eleutherococcus (Eleutherococcus senticosus Maxim.) — 175 mg

  • Spirulina (Spirulina maxima) —  75 mg
  • Guarana (Paullinia Cupana Kunth)- 72 mg
  • Сola nut (Cola nitida (Vent.) Schott et Endl.) — 20 mg
  • Vitamin C — 33 mg
  • Yeast with chromium (equivalent to 50 mcg of chromium) — 25 mg

Eleutherococcus (siberian ginseng)

  • Eleutherococcus (siberian ginseng) has traditionally been used to increase longevity
  • It contains many vitamins, amino acids and other active ingredients
  • It improves heart function, strengthen the nervous system, increase disease resistance and enhance male potency
  • Siberian Ginseng is a natural adaptogen that increases endurance and energy during demanding physical or emotional loads
  • Has a bracing, tonic effect, stimulates mental and physical performance, increases the potency, and normalizes the immune system, increases the nonspecific resistance of the organism and its resistance to adverse environmental factors
  • It is used in atherosclerosis and milder forms of diabetes
  • Used in chronic radiation sickness (in combination with other drugs), poisoning, poisonous plants (like antidote) reduces the toxicity of anticancer agents, reduces the growth of tumor cells and the probability of metastasis to other organs.
  • Traditional Uses of Siberian Ginseng

    • For antioxidant properties
    • For immune and respiratory systems
    • For memory and cognitive function
    • For stamina and endurance
    • For reflexes and coordination
    • For aphrodisiac properties and sexual desire
    • For cardiovascular system
    • For rejuvenation
    • For cholesterol
    • For colds, bronchitis, and infections


  • Spirulina — seaweed, which is recognized worldwide as one of the richest sources of protein among the plants. More than 60% of the biomass of Spirulina protein, balanced essential amino acids.
  • Micro-algae contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, polysaccharides, vitamins — A, E, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, H, macro and trace elements: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, iodine, manganese, copper, sodium, zinc, molybdenum, is a valuable nutrient.
  • Spirulina normalizes protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism
  • Spirulina promotes a sense of contentment, balance, reduce nervous tension, has a tonic effect, immunomodulating, and antioxidant radioprotective effect, which is important for preventing aging, to maintain vitality and enhance the body’s defenses
  • Spirulina has been found in an unidentified factor called «growth control factor» that controls the growth and development of cells
  • Spirulina is also a rich source of phycocyanin and xanthophyll, which have antitumor activity
  • Spirulina is used:
    • to reduce excess body weight
    • prevention and treatment of anemia
    • in the post-op period
    • in the surgical treatment of patients with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
    • in burn disease
    • diet diabetes
    • gout
    • cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension)
    • gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer
    • chronic liver disease, with immunodeficiencies
    • for the prevention and in treatment of cancer pathology
    • to reduce the negative impact of environmental factors, including radiation
    • in a specialized diet of athletes
    • in stressful situations


  • Guarana — a woody climbing plant that grows in the Amazon basin in Brazil and Venezuela. Guarana has traditionally been used by native peoples in the Amazon to boost energy and endurance during hunts
  • Guarana stimulates the mind and body and wards off feelings of fatigue
  • Guarana is an ideal way to maintain the vitality and relieve fatigue. Caffeine, which is in guarana, has no corrosive properties, digested slowly and gently affects the entire body. Stimulating potential, which has guarana in humans, is 5 times greater than the effects of caffeine, it does not irritate the stomach lining.
  • Guarana does not cause feelings of overstimulation, rapid heartbeat, loss of sleep and other unpleasant effects that usually occur after a couple cups of coffee.
  • Guarana is used to improve endurance and efficiency of the organism at high physical activity
  • Guarana has beneficial effects on the nervous system
  • Guarana — a source of highly concentrated guaranin. It has the same characteristics as caffeine, but unlike him, gently stimulates guaranin action of the nervous system, and its tonic effect lasts up to 4-6 hours
  • Guarana improves metabolism, increases lipolysis, stimulates mental activity and memory, stimulates sexual function, prevents atherosclerosis and purifies the liver
  • Guarana regains strength after a serious back-breaking work
  • It is believed that guarana helps in the treatment of dysentery, migraine and neuralgia
  • The extract obtained from seeds of the plant, is used to stimulate cardiovascular activity
  • Guarana has an analgesic effect during exercise on muscle: it removes from the muscle lactic acid, which finds its application in sports medicine

Сola nut

  • Cola nut (Cola nitida) contains natural caffeine, which heightens body tone and energizes the nervous and cardiac systems
  • Caffeine enhances and regulates the processes of excitation in the cortex of the brain, stimulates the respiratory and vasomotor centers, reduces the effects of sleeping pills and drugs, increases the reflex excitability of the spinal cord.
  • Under the influence of caffeine increases the heart activity and the stimulation of gastric secretory activity
  • Caffeine is used:
    • as a tonic for nervous exhaustion
    • as a stimulant - for mental and physical fatigue
    • for conditions involving suppression of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems (infections, intoxications, etc.)
    • vascular spasm in the brain (migraine)

Vitamin C

  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) increases the body’s resistance to infectious diseases, regulates reductive-oxidative processes, carbohydrate exchange, blood coagulation and the regeneration of tissues.
  • Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects the eyes, heart, and circulatory systems against free radicals.
  • Ascorbic acid is required for collagen synthesis and has a structural role in bone, cartilage and teeth.
  • Vitamin C may help decrease total and LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as increase HDL levels.
  • Vitamin C may protect against cardiovascular disease.
  • As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C may help to fight cancer by protecting healthy cells from free-radical damage and inhibiting the proliferation of cancerous cells.
  • Vitamin C may be useful as an immune stimulator and modulator.


  • Main biological role of micro-element chromium is in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism and blood glucose levels.
  • Chromium increases the sensitivity of cellular insulin receptors, facilitating their interaction and decreasing the body’s need for insulin. He is able to enhance insulin action in all metabolic processes regulated by this hormone. Therefore, chromium is required with diabetes (primarily type II).
  • Chromium is essential for the prevention of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Chromium deficiency results in stunted growth, causes neuropathy and a disorder of higher nervous activity, reduces the fertilizing capacity of sperm.
  • Chromium is an essential trace element needed for healthy skin, bone, muscle, hair and blood.