Ingredients Each capsule Artemida contains:

  • Angelica Chinese (Angelica sinensis) — 190 mg
  • Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Sprengel)- 50 mg
  • Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris L.) — 50 mg
  • Red clover (Trifolium pretense L.) - 40 мг
  • Vitamin A — 2 mg
  • Vitamin E  - 2.7 мг mg

Chinese Angelica

  • Chinese AngelicaChinese Angelica (Angelica seninsis) produces antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antispasmodic effects
  • It has a long tradition of use in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese medicine to treat allergies, arthritis, and high blood pressure
  •  It has a general firming and toning effects, helps to normalize the functions of the central nervous system, is recommended for vegetative neurosis, hysteria, insomnia
  • Chinese angelica improves peripheral circulation, dilates blood vessels, reduces blood viscosity and risk of thrombosis
  • It has a sedative effect
  • Increases in hemoglobin and is used to treat anemia
  • It stimulates bile secretion, gastric and pancreatic juice, improves the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Chinese angelica  recommended for diseases of the respiratory system
  • Has a diuretic effect and is applied at inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system
  • Chinese Angelica is often called «female ginseng»
  • Normalizes the hormonal balance in the female body
  • It restores the regularity of the cycle, eliminates the pain
  • Has a beneficial effect in gynecological diseases associated with congestion in the pelvis
  • Contributes to the restoration of the menstrual cycle after discontinuation of hormonal therapy
  • In Chinese medicine the plant is used to ease childbirth


  • Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L) Sprengelis) well-known because of its diuretic and astringent qualities.  
  • It has been used in European medicine since the 14h Century to treat kidney and urinary ailments.
  • Bearberry has anti-inflammatory, astringent, antiseptic and diuretic properties.
  • Bearberry contains the glycoside arbutin which has antimicrobial properties.
  • The use of bearberry helps cleanse the urinary tract from bacterial flora and the products of inflammation.
  • Drugs used bearberry in inflammatory diseases of the urinary bladder, urinary tract infections and kidney stones, with sexually transmitted diseases.


  • Mugwort is a shrub that grows all over the world and is one of the most powerful of all Chinese herbs
  • Mugwort has been used for years for digestive problems including acid stomach, stomach pain, indigestion, gas, and intestinal problems too
  • Helps those suffering from insomnia get a good nights rest
  • Works to relax and sooth away anxiety and stress, plus exhaustion, nervousness, and mild depression
  • Mugwort is a good diuretic making it good for the kidneys, liver, and spleen and for detoxing the body making it good for gout
  • Mugwort is antibacterial and anti-fungal agent
  • Good expectorant and antiasmatic herb
  • Stimulates menstruation, and can be used for painful menstrual cramps and can regulate the monthly cycle

Red clover (Trifolium pretense L.)

  • Red clover Clover has anti-inflammatory, antitumor, anti-sclerotic, wound healing, demulcent,analgesic, expectorant, diuretic, diaphoretic, antiseptic, cholagogue, hemostatic effect.
  • Clover is used for
    • colds
    • cough
    • painful menstruation
    • diabetes
    • tuberculosis
    • kidney disease
    • as a tonic for loss of strength
    • anemia
    • as antispasmodic
    • rheumatism
    • inflammation of the bladder
    • heavy uterine bleeding
    • bronchitis, asthma, shortness of breath
  • Red clover contains many flavonoids, has a general firming properties, it is used to prevent thrombosis, it alienates the menopause
  • Clover normalizes fat metabolism, lowers cholesterol, protects against oxygen deficiency, stimulates the regeneration and immunity
  •  It is indicated for the prevention of atherosclerosis

Vitamin A (retinol)

  • Vitamin A, also known as retinol, is a fat-soluble vitamin that occurs only in animal foods. Carotenoids, however, serve as a great source of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-carotene that our bodies convert into vitamin A and can be found in many vegetables and fruits. It is indispensable for our health and is especially abundant in foods such as apricots, broccoli, cantaloupe, carrots, kale, liver, mangos, red peppers, spinach and sweet potatoes. Here are seven reasons why you should make sure that your diet includes vitamin A.
  • Immunity

Not only does Vitamin A strengthen "entry points" into the human body, such as mucous membranes, the lining of the eyes, respiratory, urinary and intestinal tracts, it is also essential for the lymphocytes, or white blood cells, that fight infection once in the body.

  • Eyes

Vitamin A, when converted into the retinal (retinaldehyde) form, is vital for healthy eyes. It allows the eye to effectively distinguish between light and dark, thus improving night vision. Furthermore, vitamin A is believed to fight against cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma and other age-related ocular diseases.

  • Bones and Teeth

When converted into retinoic acid, vitamin A effectively maintains healthy bones and teeth. Dentin, which also requires vitamin A, forms the hard layer of material within our teeth, thereby ensuring their strength. Vitamin A also plays an important role in replacing worn out or old tissue with newer tissue to ensure healthy bones and teeth.

  • Urinary Stones

Urinary calculi, or solid particles in the urinary system, may cause pain, nausea and vomiting when stones are formed. Vitamin A produces a mineral compound within the body called calcium phosphate that prevents the formation of these solid particles.

  • Cancer

As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin A fights against oxidative stress, or "cellular rust," within our bodies, thus protecting us from health problems such as cataracts, atherosclerosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cancer.

  • Skin

The antioxidant properties of vitamin A combat free radicals that can damage the skin through oxidative stress. By maintaining proper moisture retention, the skin is not only protected from common dryness, but also keratinization (the process in which the epidermis hardens into a heavy material that makes up hair and nails), psoriasis (a skin disease marked by red, itchy or scaly patches), acne, and even wrinkling.

  • Reproductive System

Vitamin A is known to be essential for the reproductive process for both males and females.

Vitamin E

  • As an antioxidant with a powerful punch, vitamin E helps prevent cancer, heart disease, strokes, cataracts, and possibly some of the signs of aging.
  • Vitamin E protects artery walls and keeps the "bad" low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol from being oxidized. Oxidation of LDL cholesterol marks the beginning of clogged arteries. Vitamin E also keeps the blood thin by preventing blood platelets from clumping together. High levels of vitamin E in the body decrease the risk of a non-fatal heart attack or stroke in most people.
  • A dynamic cancer fighter, vitamin E protects cells and DNA from damage that can turn cancerous. It reduces the growth of tumors while enhancing immune function and preventing precancerous substances from being turned into carcinogens. Studies with mice show that vitamin E applied to the skin may help prevent skin cancer resulting from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Women who suffer from fibrocystic breast disease can often find relief with vitamin E supplementation. Fibrocystic breast disease is characterized by painful breasts, sometimes with benign lumps or swelling, starting several days before the menstrual period. Researchers aren't sure why vitamin E helps this condition, but numerous studies indicate that it does.
  • Vitamin E can be beneficial to people with diabetes. It enhances the action of insulin and improves blood glucose metabolism by reducing oxidative stress.
  • This humble nutrient keeps the nervous system healthy by protecting the myelin sheaths that surround nerves. It also appears to prevent mental degeneration due to aging, possibly including Alzheimer disease.
  • Athletes need to get adequate amounts of vitamin E. The body's own metabolism creates free radicals during excessive aerobic exercise. Vitamin E reserves make sure these free radicals don't get out of hand and cause trouble. Vitamin E therapy also treats claudication-pains in the calf muscles that occur at night or during exercise.
  • Premature babies receive vitamin E to reduce or prevent oxygen damage to the retina of the eye as a result of artificial ventilation.
  • Ongoing animal studies suggest that vitamin E may limit lung damage caused by air pollution. It appears that vitamin E can reduce the activity of such common air pollutants as ozone and nitrogen dioxide.
  • Vitamin E applied to cuts may very well increase the healing rate because it minimizes oxidation reactions in the wound and also keeps the wound moist.
  • Many women report that vitamin E helps reduce hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause.
  • Though vitamin E can slow down the oxidation of fats that occurs in aging, experimental studies have not shown it to increase the life span of animals. Neither has it been shown to control such signs of aging as wrinkled skin or gray hair.
  • However, the vitamin may indeed delay or prevent some diseases or a loss of function related to aging. Recent studies have reported improved short-term memory in older adults who took supplemental vitamin E.
  • While vitamin E may not make you live longer, it may help you live a little better as you get older.