
per 2 capsules


Acai berry (Euterpe) extract

200 mg

Green tea leaf extract

150 mg

Amaranth extract

100 mg


66 mg


37.4 mg

Ubiquinol (coenzyme Q10)

20 mg


3 mg


2.5 mg


8.26 mg


27.4 mg


86.6 µg


100 mg


Acai berry (Euterpe) extract

  • The acai berry, an exotic relative of the blueberry and cranberry, is one of the healthiest berries you will ever find as a healing, immune-stimulating, energy-boosting fruit
  • Acai (euterpe) berry extract prevent free radicals from damaging the cells and neutralize them, slowing down the ageing processes within the body
  • Heart Health - acai berries normalise cholesterol levels in the blood stream, prevent blood clots, improve overall blood circulation, and relax the blood vessels
  • Resistant to harmful organisms
  • Aids in weight loss - known by nutritionists as a super-food, acai may help us not only lose weight, but maintain a healthy weight
  • Promotes skin health - acai berries can give your skin a healthier glow. Brazilians have been eating acai berries for centuries to treat skin conditions
  • Helps with digestive upset - Taking acai may also aid in keeping our digestive system clean and in optimal function. The berries have powerful detoxification capacities in the human body and are a well-known traditional source of dietary fiber
  • Reduces irritation
  • Improved cellular health- help to keep cells strong against the invasion of free radicals
  • May help fight cancer - acai is very high in Vitamin C and ellagic acid, an immune-system-boosting combination that has been shown to suppress the growth of cancer
  • Anti-Aging Effects - Extremely high in many forms of plant phytochemicals (antioxidants), acai berries may contribute to an ability to slow or reverse typical processes of aging related to oxidative damage. In fact, the berries are one of the planets highest sources of antioxidants, with one berry holding ten times the amount of antioxidants as grapes, and two times the amount of blueberries
  • Energy boost - Due its overall health benefits, taking acai extract can lead to an increased overall level of energy and stamina, and may aid to combat fatigue and exhaustion
  • Better sex - This famous red berry has also been linked to overall increased blood circulation in the human body, a phenomenon that may contribute to a boost in sex drive, especially for men.
  • Improves mental function

Green tea leaf extract

  • Biologically active substances in the green tea extract possess a powerful antioxidant effect, shielding the cells of our body from the adverse impact of free radicals
  • Anti-Aging: The free radicals created in the body are responsible for corroding the body in various ways, one of which we see as the signs of aging. The main job of antioxidants is to neutralize the oxidants or free radicals
  • Stimulating: Caffeine & Tannins makes you feel fresh and highly energized, an easy and ideal solution to counter fatigue, laziness, sleepiness and lack of energy, and to improve blood circulation
  • Green tea improves immunity -  The Catechins present in green tea prevent bacteria and viruses from attaching themselves to cell walls in order to infect them. This antimicrobial property also protects you from bad breath, dysentery, diarrhea, tooth decay, indigestion, flu, cough & cold, and colitis, all of which are caused, in some way, by microbial & fungal action
  • Astringency: Astringent substances trigger contractions in muscles and tissues, while toning up muscles and skin. You can also wash your hair with green tea and feel it grow stronger and healthier
  • Green tea can protect against cancer: The Catechins present in green tea neutralize free radicals, prevent formation of carcinogens and reduce the risk of cancer
  • Green tea protects against heart disease - the formation of abnormal blood clots (thrombosis) is the leading cause of heart attack and stroke, and green tea has been shown to inhibit abnormal blood clot formation as effectively as aspirin
  • Green tea can help lower blood pressure, reducing cholesterol
  • Anti-diabetic:  Alkaline nature of green tea helps to reduce the blood glucose level. The antioxidant and astringent qualities of green tea ensure better functioning of the pancreas and regulated secretion of insulin and the subsequent improvement  in decomposing and absorbing of sugar. This can help prevent the onset of diabetes
  • Weight Loss: By enhancing the rate of metabolism, thereby promoting a faster consumption of the fat storage of the body
  • Detoxifying: Green tea is the best cure for particularly savage hangovers and fatigue caused by the consumption of alcoholic beverages and lack of sleep due to late night parties
  •  Green tea can help prevent food poisoning - it can kill bacteria and promotes the growth of friendly bifidobacteria
  • Green tea can prevent bad breath - may help to kill the oral bacteria that cause cavities and bad breath.
  • Green tea guards against hepatitis - Viral hepatitis is often triggered by high levels of iron in the liver. Green tea lowers iron levels throughout the body, so may have a direct anti-viral effect against certain strains of hepatitis.
  • Green tea can help prevent arthritis
  • Green tea can protect against Alzheimer's disease
  • Green tea can help fight allergies

Amaranth extract

Amaranth seeds are native to Peru, widely grown in Mexico and other Latin American countries and begin to sprout in May. These tiny, yellow-golden seeds are one of the healthiest in the world with many health benefits including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and more. However, amaranth isn’t actually a grain even though it’s easy to consider it as one due to its appearance. The reason why it’s been seen as a grain is because its health properties are very similar to those of grains and cereals.

  • Amaranth extract enriches the skin with oxygen that actively neutralizes oxidative processes in the epidermis’ cells
  • Amaranth is a very rich source of minerals like calcium, magnesium, and copper. It is also a good source of zinc, potassium, and phosphorus. These build strong bones and muscles, aid hydration, boost energy, and are vital in thousands of processes
  • It also contains vitamin C which makes it the only such grain
  • Amaranth is also a good source of many essential vitamins including A, C, E, K, B5, B6, folate, niacin, and riboflavin. These act as antioxidants, raise energy, control hormones, and much more.
  • It’s also gluten-free
  • Amaranth is one of the richest grains in protein. It contains 14% of protein and this is why it’s at the top position among the grains. The protein in amaranth is more digestible than other grains and has been compared to the digestibility of milk protein
  • It also contains a very healthy amino acid called lysine which lacks in many other grains. Vegetables and grains are often lacking in this essential amino acid. Amaranth has a good amount of lysine which helps the body absorb calcium, build muscle, and produce energy
  • It can help the body maintain a healthy heart by keeping the bad cholesterol levels low
  • It can also prevent diseases such as strokes, heart conditions, diabetes, cancer etc.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties in the peptides and oils of amaranth can ease pain and reduce inflammation
  • The antioxidants help prevent cancer
  • The fiber and phytonutrients in amaranth lower blood pressure
  • Amaranth is a high fiber food. This makes it filling and means it aids digestive health, cholesterol, blood pressure, and slows the absorption of sugars to let the body keep up with energy production
  • Amaranth may boost immune function thanks to the potent vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
  • Helps prevent premature graying, mainly due to the minerals
  • Amaranth has a modest amount of oxalic acid. It should be avoided or only moderately used by those with gout, kidney problems, or rheumatoid arthritis


  • Resveratrol is a flavonoid antioxidant present in grape skins and red grape juice, found in certain fruits, vegetables and cocoa, a potent antioxidant that is emerging as a modern-day fountain of youth, it’s the key to better heart health and longevity.
  • Resveratrol is typically associated with grapes and red wine, and was originally believed to be the reason for the so-called “French Paradox” -- the tendency for French people to have great cardiovascular health despite a “poor” diet and love for wine
  • Resveratrol is unique among antioxidants because it can cross the blood-brain barrier to help protect your brain and nervous system
  • Reduce oxidative stress, which prevents premature aging of cells
  • Protect your cells from free radical damage
  • Inhibit the spread of cancer, especially prostate cancer
  • Lower the blood pressure
  • Keep your heart healthy and improve elasticity in your blood vessels
  • Normalize your anti-inflammatory response
  • Help to prevent Alzheimer’s disease
  • Resveratrol is very effective at warding off many diseases associated with aging, it is often referred to a “fountain of youth” that can extend lifespan


  • Quercetin is a flavonoid widely distributed in nature (plant pigment) commonly found in fruits and vegetables, especially onions, citrus, and apples. Other sources include dark berries, grapes and olive oil. Green tea and red wine have also been pointed out as having notable amounts of quercetin
  • The primary benefit of quercetin is that it possesses potent antioxidants. Antioxidants fight against free radicals –- chemically reactive compounds that damage cell membranes and DNA and also cause cell death
  • Supports normal respiratory health - When your respiratory system is irritated, redness and swelling can result from the release of histamines, and quercetin has been reported to have an antihistamine effect
  • Supports cardiovascular health
  • Promotes balanced blood pressure
  • Offers protection against stress
  • Quercetin caused a relaxation of the airway smooth muscle
  • Offers nutritional support for overall health
  • Anti-aging and Rejuvenating Effects

Ubiquinol (coenzyme Q10)

CoQ10 is one of the most powerful antioxidants in your body. It works inside your cell membranes and crosses the blood-brain barrier. It protects your cells, proteins and even your DNA from free-radical damage.

Around age 40, our body’s ability to produce and convert CoQ10 to its active, antioxidant form, ubiquinol, diminishes significantly.

  • Ubiquinone is an active form of the antioxidant coenzyme Q10 that supplies cells with energy, is a key component in 95 percent of the body’s energy production
  • Accelerates biochemical reaction and regeneration processes
  • Preventing destruction of collagen and elastin
  • Reduces loss of hyaluronic acid
  • Ultimately slows down ageing processes
  • Support blood pressure
  • Helps maintain and promote a healthy heart
  • Slows down dementia and other neurological problems
  • Supports a healthy immune system
  • Stabilizes glucose levels
  • Provides sustained, healthy energy
  • Age-related macular degeneration      
  • Helps prevent free radical damage
  • Helps protect against oxidative stress


  • Astaxanthin is carotenoid and one of the most potent antioxidants available. Often called "the king of the carotenoids". Carotenoids are a class of more than 600 naturally occurring pigments synthesized by plants, algae, and photosynthetic bacteria. These richly colored molecules are the sources of the yellow, orange, and red colors of many plants
  • Naturally and sustainably sourced from a micro algae, astaxanthin is quite common in nature, especially in the marine environment. It is what gives species such as salmon, shrimp, krill, lobster and flamingos their unique and rich, pinkish-red hue. These fish and animals obtain astaxanthin in their diet from zooplankton, insects or crustaceans that have accumulated astaxanthin from phytoplankton.
  • Astaxanthin can also cross the blood-brain barrier and the blood-retinal barrier, and provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory protection to both the brain and the eyes
  • Highly effective anti-inflammatory - Astaxanthin has natural anti-inflammatory properties, but unlike prescription analgesics, it comes with no risk of addiction, heartburn, or gastrointestinal ulcers
  • Improves skin appearance
    • Astaxanthin has powerful UV-blocking properties, works as an internal sunscreen and can radically reduce the risk of developing severe sunburn and related skin damage
    • Has also been shown to reduce wrinkles
    • Helps to improve skin’s overall moisture balance and elasticity
    • We lose 40,000 skin cells every minute and it takes 2 months (8 weeks) to renew all of the skin. These new skin cells are made in the dermis layer of the skin, which is really the engine room of the skin. It is critical that we protect this level because it’s where the collagen fibers are. And this is where the fiber elastin bundles are. This is the connective tissue. In other words, this is the whole support system for the skin.
    • Astaxanthin will capture these free radicals before it hits the collagen and will foster youthful, glowing skin no matter ones age — for men and women.
  • Increases energy and endurance - provide humans with increased strength, while also offering increased recovery from exercise.
  • Supports immune function
  • Supports cardiovascular health
  • Protects cells and the nervous system from oxidative damage
  • Protects the eyes
  • Supports brain health


  • Lycopene is a common carotenoid compound found in fruits, vegetables, and green plants that is responsible for the red plant pigment found primarily in tomatoes. Other sources include apricot, cranberry, grapes, pink grapefruit, guava, papaya, peaches, and watermelon
  • Carotenoids are strong antioxidants that help to reduce inflammation - which may have a positive impact on skin aging, may help to promote smoother, younger looking skin
  • Pro-collagen is the precursor to collagen, a protein that gives skin its support and youthful firmness. Collagen levels decline with age, which is partially responsible for the wrinkling and saggy skin that comes with age. Lycopene may help to replace some of this lost collage
  • Sun exposure causes premature aging and skin cancer. Lycopene, by acting as an antioxidant and a powerful free radical quencher, may reduce this type of damage
  • Higher levels of skin lycopenes reduces skin roughness
  • Because of its antioxidant properties and its ability to keep inflammation in check, lycopene may lower the risk of some diseases including heart disease and certain types of cancer


  • In Japan researchers have shown that caffeine increases memory
  • Caffeine mixed with carbs replenishes muscle glycogen concentrations faster after exercise
  • Caffeine helps to detox the liver and cleanses the colon when taken as a caffeine enema
  • Caffeine is helps keep you alert while driving during periods of sleep restriction
  • Caffeine can stimulate hair growth on balding men and women
  • Caffeine relieves post work-out muscle pain by up to 48%
  • Caffeine helps ward off Alzheimer’s
  • Caffeine increases stamina during exercise
  • Caffeine protects against eyelid spasm
  • Caffeine may protect against Cataracts
  • Caffeine may prevent skin cancer
  • Caffeine may reduce fatty liver


  • Anthocyanins are technically pigments, found in a number of flowers and plants. Anthocyanins are what gives berries and grapes that bright, eye-catching color that makes them some of the loveliest fruits around. You can also find a healthy dose of anthocyanins in bright-hued veggies like eggplants, red cabbage and beets.
  • Researchers have found that anthocyanins include a whopping 150 flavanoids, making them a diverse group of anti-aging molecules
  • Anthocyanins are inflammation fighters - Chronic inflammation is associated with accelerated aging. Inflammation releases oxidants, which damage tissue. Anthocyanins are highly effective anti-inflammatories, and help inhibit oxidants, thus helping to neutralize the effects of inflammation
  • Anthocyanins are blood vessel boosters - Your blood vessels play a crucial role in keeping your heart, and the rest of you, running efficiently. Anthocynanins help prevent LDL oxidation in your blood vessels, which can lead to atherosclerosis. Healthy blood vessels can help you live a longer life!
  • Anthocyanins are collagen defenders - Collagen is a protein that connects your skin tissue, which is more easily damaged as you age. Anthocyanins helps prevent free radicals from damaging your skin tissue, thus helping you look younger longer!


  • Selenomethionine (selenium) is a primary microelement in the antioxidant system, protecting our body
  • Fights free radical cells - Selenium create antioxidants in your body which fight free radicals that would otherwise damage cells and cause aging.
  • Regulates thyroid hormones - Your thyroid is a small gland located in your throat that has a huge impact on your body. This small gland regulates all the hormones within you and makes sure every hormone is going to the right organ. When this gland doesn’t function properly, you might find yourself experiencing abnormal mood changes, excess weight gain, fatigue, and an increased or decreased appetite
  • Fights cancer
  • Protects your heart - Selenium decrease the risk of blood clotting which significantly lowers the risk of heart attacks. It also reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases good cholesterol (HDL) which is essential for a heart to function properly.
  • Boosts your immune system - Selenium also increases the activities of white blood cells, helping the body to fend off infections and viruses such as cold and flu, as well as more dangerous cancer cells
  • Acts as an anti-inflammatory - When combined with vitamin E, it has been shown that selenium benefits chronic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, lupus, and eczema
  • Reduced asthma symptoms
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Relives psoriasis and eczema - Selenium can assist recovery for internal issues like blood pressure and thyroid, and can also relieve external issues like psoriasis and eczema. While this supplement won’t be able to completely clear your skin of these two problems, it can help relieve the symptoms. The constant itchiness and redness caused by eczema can be especially irritating
  • Prevents unattractive dandruff


  • Chlorophyllin is a semi-synthetic mixture of sodium copper salts derived from chlorophyll (2, 3). Unlike natural chlorophyll, chlorophyllin is water-soluble
  • Chlorophyll is a green pigment that’s instrumental in photosynthesis and it’s instrumental in promoting good health
  • Chlorophyll, the phyto-chemical that gives leaves, plants, and algae their green hues, is the plant equivalent of the oxygen-carrying red pigment hemoglobin in red blood cells. Dietary chlorophyll inhibits disease bacteria and exerts therapeutic effects on skin
  • Green foods detoxify the body to keep skin clear and radiant. Detoxification is very important process for our body function and helps in removing harmful toxins out of your body and cleans your body
  • Green foods have marked beneficial effects on cholesterol, blood pressure, immune response, and cancer prevention. These effects are attributed to their high concentrations of chlorophyll
  • Helps control hunger and cravings
  • Encourages healing
  • Promotes cleansing - Chlorophyll binds with toxic metals to hamper absorption, and research has shown it can do the same with some carcinogens
  • Super potent antioxidant action - It protects cells from oxidative damage by eliminating free radicals
  • Effective against candida albicans - Candida infection is a big problem for many individuals and can lead to fatigue, depression, and digestive problems
  • Relieves systemic redness and swelling - Traditional medicine has long used green leaves for infections.
  • Promotes healthy iron levels - A modified form of chlorophyll known as chlorophyllin may be highly effective for anemia. By swapping iron for magnesium at the center of the molecule, it provides a bioavailable form of iron the body can use
  • Chlorophyll rich foods contain essential vitamins and nutrients needed for cardiovascular, muscular, and neural health