Ingredients per 1 capsule
of Nature tan
Curcuma 164 mg
Vitamin C 60 mg
Soy extract 50 mg
Grape extract 30 mg
Zinc 7.5 mg
Vitamin E 5 mg
Beta-carotene 2.4 mg
Selenium 37.5 µg
Isoflavones 4.5—5.5 mg



  • Curcumа has antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, antimutagenic, and anti-inflammatory action
  • Medicinal properties of curcuma are associated with the ability of molecules to penetrate cell membranes in the body, strengthening them and making it more resistant to infection
  • Stimulates the human immune system and helps to destroy harmful proteins that block the brain
  • Increases the total number of white blood cells and antibody forming cells
  • Curcuma is a wonderful natural antibiotic and unlike synthetic drugs not affect the status of the gastrointestinal tract and does not damage the liver
  • Increases activity of the intestinal flora and improves digestion
  • Effective in reducing blood sugar levels
  • Reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) in blood and normalize its composition
  • Improves blood circulation and stimulates the formation of red blood cells
  • Regulates metabolism
  • Curcuma is known as a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. Protects the liver from various toxic substances
  • With the help of Curcuma can mitigate the negative effects of radiation therapy
  • Improves the condition of patients with alcoholic cirrhosis
  • Helps in treating Alzheimer’s disease
  • Curcuma inhibit the growth of tumors. People who consume large amounts of food, seasoned with curry, less vulnerable to cancer
  • Indispensable support for those who are weakened by chronic illness or after the sick
  • In India, curcuma for many years considered a means of preserving youth and beauty

Vitamin C

  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) increases the body’s resistance to infectious diseases, regulates reductive-oxidative processes, carbohydrate exchange, blood coagulation and the regeneration of tissues
  • Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects the eyes, heart, and circulatory systems against free radicals
  • Ascorbic acid is required for collagen synthesis and has a structural role in bone, cartilage and teeth
  • Vitamin C may help decrease total and LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as increase HDL levels
  • Vitamin C may protect against cardiovascular disease
  • As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C may help to fight cancer by protecting healthy cells from free-radical damage and inhibiting the proliferation of cancerous cells
  • Vitamin C may be useful as an immune stimulator and modulator

Soy extract

  • Soybean extract is extracted from the seeds or beans of the soy herb. The primary benefit of soybean extract comes from its isoflavone content. Isoflavones are antioxidants that combat damage caused by free radicals
  • It is an anti-inflammatory agent for the skin
  • Powerful antioxidant
  • Protects the skin from free radicals and minimize the damage caused by free radicals, and reduce the effects associated with the aging process and the development of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reduces cellular damage caused by the ultraviolet rays of the sun
  • Stimulates the skin’s production of collagen which in turn increases its elasticity and a youthful appearance
  • Because of its phytoestrogen content, soybean extract is also believed to provide relief for symptoms of menopause. Phytoestrogens mimic the female hormone estrogen
  • Lower some cancers concerning hormone, such as prostate cancer, breast cancer etc.
  • Used in estrogen replacement therapy
  • Lower cholesterol and reduce heart disease risk
  • Relieve women menopause syndrome
  • Act against osteoporosis
  • Protect human body from free-radical to advance immunity
  • Prevent and cure cardiovascular disease

Grape extract

  • Thanks to its antioxidant properties it prevents the destructive free radical action
  • Protects from the premature ageing
  • Reduces arterial pressure and maintains its optimum level
  • It precludes cardiovascular diseases and improves metabolism
  • It binds the collagen fibers into a certain structure thus strengthening the connective tissue
  • It prevents the collagen breakup by ferments produced by white blood cells at inflammations as well as by microbes at infections
  • It prevents secretion and synthesis of the components that help inflammations develop (histamine, serine protease, prostaglandin and leukotrienes)
  • Lower the arterial blood pressure
  • Stabilization of collagen molecules
  • Limitation of denaturation
  • Reduction of the membrane permeability and support of their functions
  • Protective antiinflammatory action


  • Zinc supports normal growth and development during pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence.  It stimulates the activity of approximately 100 enzymes that promote biochemical reactions in the body
  • Zinc supports a healthy immune system, is needed for wound healing, helps maintain the sense of taste and smell and is needed for DNA synthesis
  • Zinc plays an important role in the hormonal functions in the body. It affects the production and functioning of insulin,and thus the entire spectrum of insulin-dependent processes
  • Zinc is vital for the functioning of the thymus and the normal state of the immune system
  • Zinc with vitamin A (vitamin C) prevents the formation of immune deficiencies, stimulating the synthesis of antibodies, and providing antiviral effect
  • Zinc is essential for the functioning of the central nervous system, including the processes of remembering

Vitamin E

  • Vitamin E as an antioxidant helps to stabilize cell membranes and protect the tissues of the skin, eyes, liver, breast, and testes, which are more sensitive to oxidation
  • Vitamin E helps protect against heart disease
  • Vitamin E helps prevent arteries from clogging. This may help to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis
  • Inhibits concentration of blood platelets preventing blood clotting and helping in blood vessel dilation
  •  Vitamin E may protect against the development of cancers by enhancing immune function
  • Vitamin E may help to protect against cataracts and age related macular degeneration
  • Vitamin E, together with vitamin C may prevent the development of Alzheimer’s disease
  • Protects the fat component in low-density lipoproteins against oxidation as well as helps with moderate reduction of the cholesterol level


  • Beta-carotene is a biological antioxidant.  It protects cell membranes against the effects of free radicals
  • Beta-carotene is a predecessor of vitamin A («the growth vitamin»); it regulates the growth of bones and participates in the formation of optic pigments that are necessary for normal night and color vision
  • Vitamin A and its analogs have shown the ability to help inhibit cancer cell proliferation and help in returning to normal growth patterns. Individuals with highest levels of beta-carotene intake have lower risks of lung cancer, coronary artery heart disease, stroke and age-related eye disease than individuals with lowest lvels of beta-carotene intake. Its inhibitory effects are especially potent against leukemia and certain head and neck cancers
  • Beta-carotene may have a role to play in staving off heart disease, apparently a function of its ability to keep harmful LDL cholesterol from damaging the heart and coronary arteries
  • Beta-carotene has been shown to have benefits to the immune system
  • Like all other carotenoids, beta-carotene is an antioxidant. Antioxidants are substances that help prevent or reduce the formation of damaging chemicals in the body called free radicals
  • Consuming foods rich in beta-carotene appears to protect the body from damaging molecules called free radicals. Free radicals cause damage to cells through a process known as oxidation, and over time, such damage can lead to a variety of chronic illnesses. Beta-carotene’s antioxidant actions make it valuable in protecting against, and in some cases even reversing, precancerous conditions affecting the breast, mucous membranes, throat, mouth, stomach, prostate, colon, cervix, and bladder


  • Selenomethionine (selenium) is a primary microelement in the antioxidant system, protecting our body
  • Fights free radical cells - Selenium create antioxidants in your body which fight free radicals that would otherwise damage cells and cause aging.
  • Regulates thyroid hormones - Your thyroid is a small gland located in your throat that has a huge impact on your body. This small gland regulates all the hormones within you and makes sure every hormone is going to the right organ. When this gland doesn’t function properly, you might find yourself experiencing abnormal mood changes, excess weight gain, fatigue, and an increased or decreased appetite
  • Fights cancer
  • Protects your heart - Selenium decrease the risk of blood clotting which significantly lowers the risk of heart attacks. It also reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases good cholesterol (HDL) which is essential for a heart to function properly.
  • Boosts your immune system - Selenium also increases the activities of white blood cells, helping the body to fend off infections and viruses such as cold and flu, as well as more dangerous cancer cells
  • Acts as an anti-inflammatory - When combined with vitamin E, it has been shown that selenium benefits chronic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, lupus, and eczema
  • Reduced asthma symptoms
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Relives psoriasis and eczema - Selenium can assist recovery for internal issues like blood pressure and thyroid, and can also relieve external issues like psoriasis and eczema. While this supplement won’t be able to completely clear your skin of these two problems, it can help relieve the symptoms. The constant itchiness and redness caused by eczema can be especially irritating
  • Prevents unattractive dandruff